If you keep updated with what we’re up to, you’ll know we’ve been pursuing our Pending B Corp certification. And guess what, we’re almost there.

We are officially a Pending B Corp, and will be working towards our full B Corp certification once Marvel FMCG is a year old. Exciting times are ahead, we look forward to continuing to do all that we can to be the best business we can be and always be driven by a bigger purpose. 

One leap at a time, we intend to take on the recruitment industry by storm, disrupt it and provoke it, for the better. 


Because we believe in always giving back. Our company was established with some very important objectives in mind:  

Follow us along our B Corp journey, and all the good that comes after that. We’re excited about what lays ahead, and what we can do can provoke others to consider the bigger picture in everything they do.  


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